English for everyone - anglická gramatika
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Pre-intermediate 1 (mírnì pokroèilí 1)

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    Lekce 4 - Have X have got.
    MĂ­t, vlastnit.

    I have got time now. I have time now.
    Have you got time now? Do you have time now?
    No, I haven't. Yes I have. No, I don't. Yes, I do.
    She has got little money. She has little money.
    Has she got any money? Does she have any money?
    No she hasn't. Yes, she has. No, she doesn't. Yes, she does.

    1. Minulý čas

      V minulém čase používáme jen minulý tvar slovesa have HAD, nikoli "had got".

      Martin had a lot of free time when he was a student. (NOT: Martin had got a lot of time)

      V minulém čase se v otázkách a záporech používá pomocné sloveso did / didn't.

      Did Martin have a lot of free time when he was a student?
      No, he didn't.
      Yes, he did.

    2. Ostatní časy

      Stejně tak v budoucím, předpřítomném, předminulém i předbudoucím čase se používá pro vyjádření vlastnictví jen "have".

      I will have a new PC.
      I have had 5 cars in my life.

      Have nelze zaměnit za have got, pokud chceme vyjádřit nějakou činnost. Have zde nemá význam vlastnictví.

      HAVE + breakfast, dinner, a cup of tea, a cigarette, etc.
      a bath, a shower, a rest, a holiday, a nice time, etc.
      an accident, an experience, a dream, etc.
      a baby (= give birth to a baby), trouble, fun, a look, a chat,etc.

      I'm having breakfast. (NOT: I am having got breakfast)
      She's having a cigarette at the moment.
      Charles is having a bath.

    3. Příklady

      I don't have any homework. OR I haven't got any homework.
      I have a lot of employees. OR I have got a lot of employees.
      Do you have change? OR Have you got change?

      I often have a bath in the morning. (NOT: I am having got a bath ...)
      I am having a rest. (NOT: I am having got a rest.)
      Have a look at the picture. (NOT: Have got a look ...)

    Nyní už můžete přejít na cvičení 4. lekce.

    Cvičení 1 | Cvičení 2
