New viruses exploit MyDoom-infected computers |
NovĂ© viry vyuĹľĂvajĂ poèĂtaèe napadanĂ© virem MyDoom |
Two new electronic viruses appeared on Monday that seek to exploit computers already infected with the MyDoom.A and MyDoom.B computer viruses. |
V pondìlĂ se objevily novĂ© elektronickĂ© viry, kterĂ© vyhledávajĂ poèĂtaèe uĹľ nakaĹľenĂ© poèĂtaèovĂ˝m virem MyDoom.A a MyDoom.B, aby je mohly zneuĹľĂt. |
The new viruses, called Doomjuice and Deadhat, do not spread through email attachments, but rather they search the Internet for infected computers and then replace the original virus with their own programming. |
NovĂ© viry, kterĂ© se jmenujĂ Doomjuice a Deadhat, se nešĂøà e-mailovĂ˝mi pøĂlohami, ale spĂš hledajĂ pøes Internet infikovanĂ© poèĂtaèe a pak nahradĂ pĂąvodnĂ virus svĂ˝m vlastnĂm programem. |
No one is sure how Doomjuice and Deadhat will affect the functioning of the Internet. |
Nikdo si nenĂ jistĂ˝ tĂm, jak Doomjuice a Deadhat ovlivnĂ fungovánĂ Internetu. |
However vulnerable to computer viruses we may seem, the future needn´t be so dark. More and more often, we regularly use the Linux operation system, which (we hope) will make computer viruses a thing of the past. |
A tak, jakkoliv se zdá, Ĺľe jsme proti poèĂtaèovĂ˝m virĂąm tĂ©mìø bezbrannĂ, budoucnost moĹľná nenĂ tak temná. Stále èastìji se totiĹľ mùžeme setkat s operaènĂm systĂ©mem Linux, dĂky kterĂ©mu se viry moĹľná stanou minulostĂ. |